Industries / Hotel & Tourism

Hotel & Tourism

Practice Areas

Hotels, Resorts & Tourism legal services are emerging practice areas in AnJie Broad,aiming to echo the country’s call to promote integrated development of culture industry with tourism, sports, information, logistics, construction, and other industries, and to support the “dual circulation” strategy. The Hotels, Resorts & Tourism m team is composed of multi-lingual and experienced Chinese lawyers, as well as external legal advisers from countries such as United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore, Australia, etc. and regions such as Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, etc. There are partners in relevant fields providing legal services to clients in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Haikou offices.

In these areas, AnJie Broad serves domestic and overseas commercial real estate financial institutions (including but not limited to banking, trust, real estate funds, culture and tourism investment funds, venture capital etc.), property developers, hotel groups, culture and tourism groups, destination and scenic area operators (national parks, scenic areas, theme parks, etc.), tourist transportation enterprises (airlines, cruises), online travel marketing and service platforms (OTA, short videos operator, social medias, etc.), hospitality and travel technology enterprises, culture and tourism products producing and sales enterprises (culture and tourism content production enterprises, culture creation enterprises, shopping villages, etc.), tourism and culture entertainment enterprises (mountain sports and leisure, water sports and leisure, golf, museum, amusement parks, performing arts enterprises, etc.), customized business travel service enterprises (self-driving travel, customized travel service enterprises, etc.), consumers from Hotels, Resorts & Tourism industries.

AnJie Broad aims to integrate global expert resources and pioneering experiences related to Hotels, Resorts & Tourism, so as to boost local hospitality, culture and tourism industries to obtain superiority in international competition by providing high quality legal services throughout the whole lifecycle to related enterprises. The services include but not limited to brand strategy, brand positioning, brand standards, brand development, business modelling, construction of brand direct marketing and digital tools, collaborative management of offline transaction and e-commerce, brand marketing, brand distribution channels and service supervision, membership loyalty program, daily operation support to local business units, brand standards compliance, hotel liability insurance and risk management, hotel investment and financing, brand acquisition, acquisition of construction in process, asset securitization, data compliance, privacy, intellectual property, dispute resolution, etc. With outstanding service performance and exploration of frontier legal issues related to hospitality, culture and tourism industry, AnJie Broad has won recognition and praise from well-known enterprises at home and abroad. 

Scope of Service

• Brand Business Modelling: including but not limited to the structuring and implementation of various business models such as management, management minus, franchise plus, franchise, joint venture, leased operation, key money, performance guarantee, Strata Title, branded residence & apartments, short-term lease, shared accommodation etc

• Brand Marketing and Commercial Support: including but not limited to brand direct marketing channels and digital tools, social media marketing and performance management, collaborative management of offline transactions and e-commerce, brand marketing, brand distribution channels, membership loyalty program, membership program marketing, etc

• Daily operation support to business entities: brand standards compliance, customer service, anti-fraud, anti-commercial bribery, etc

• Liability insurance and risk management

• Investment and financing: M&A transaction structuring such as brand acquisition, joint venture, acquisition of construction in process

• Asset Securitization of Hospitality, Culture & Tourism projects (CMBS, Quasi REITS)

• Cyber Security, Data Compliance, Privacy related to Hospitality, Culture & Tourism

• Intellectual Property strategy management related to Hospitality, Culture & Tourism

• Labor and Social Welfare related to Hospitality, Culture & Tourism

• Dispute Resolution related to Hospitality, Culture & Tourism
