Practice Areas / Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Practice Areas

Intellectual Property practice is another important practice area in our full-service firm. We help client protect their intellectual property rights and minimize the risks of doing business effectively and efficient in both domestic and global environment. Our experienced attorneys offer clients comprehensive and practical, as well as strategic solutions across all aspects of intellectual property rights.

Our attorneys work with clients in virtually every industry including but not limited to high-technology, manufacturing, energy, construction, media, retail, food, finance, tourism, and real estate.

With its outstanding business team, angers' service quality in the field of intellectual property has been widely recognized by customers and insiders. It has been rated as the recommended law firm in the field of intellectual property in 2017-2021 by Chambers & partners, the top intellectual property law firm in 2017-2021 by legal 500, and the leading intellectual property law firm (2015-2022) by Asian legal business (ALB); It was rated as one of the top 1000 global patent law firms in 2015-2021 by Iam patent 1000, one of the world's best trademark law firms in 2015-2021 by world Trademark Review 1000, and one of the rising stars in 2014-2020 by managing intellectual property.

Scope of Service

AnJie Broad lawyers are able to provide clients with Intellectual Property services including but not limited to the following aspects:

Patent (including design patent)

• Patent infringement civil litigations

• Patent administrative litigations

• Patent invalidations

• Patent infringement analysis (TTO)

• Patent due diligence

• IP training for the enterprises to be listed on SSE STAR Market

• Patent application and prosecution

• Technology transfer, patent transfer and patent license

• Patent ownership lawsuits

• Online patent infringement claims and response


• Trademark portfolio management, national and global trademark filing strategy, trademark clearance searches, applications and subsequent administrative litigations

• Trademark oppositions, invalidations and cancellations

• Brand protection strategy

• Trademark infringement civil litigations

• Investigations on counterfeit and infringing products

•  Administrative complaints (raid actions) against trademark infringement

• Criminal complaints (raid actions) and subsequent lawsuits against trademark infringement

• Trademark infringement claims (takedown requests) with e-commerce platforms

• Parallel import solutions

• Company name infringement solutions

• Trademark custom protection (Customs recordal, training and seizure)

• Trademark assignment and license

• Trademark audit

• Trademark due diligence

IP Commercialization

• Negotiation on the intellectual property clauses in M&A cases

• Patent license and transfer


• Copyright protection and lawsuits

• Copyright transfer and license

• Copyright registration

• Copyright counselling

Domain Name

• Arbitration and lawsuits on domain name disputes

• Domain name registration

Anti-Unfair Competition

• Lawsuits and administrative complaints on the issues regarding the anti-unfair competition on know-hows, business information secrets, company names or trade dress.
