Practice Areas / Government Affairs

Government Affairs

Practice Areas

Government Affairs area is one of the most dominant areas of AnJie Broad Law Firm. Based on the professional perspective of law, our government affairs group has keen insight into government-related industries as well as deep understanding of their legal needs, familiar with the workflow of relevant government departments, striving to provide all-process legal service of high efficiency and high quality for governments and its departments.


Since 2018, our firm has been serving as legal counsel of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and has participated in several assessments of national and regional business environment and compilation of business environment index report as third-party legal service agency.

Scope of Service

• Advice and research on laws and policies

• Review and advice on major economic projects and significant legal documents

• Design and drafting of legal structure for major investment projects

• Perennial legal services and other legal services entrusted by governments and its departments
