Practice Areas / Criminal


Practice Areas

Criminal practice is one of the emerging practice areas of AnJie Broad. In order to adapt to the national reform of the trial-centered criminal procedure system, promote innovation in criminal trial theory and practice, and achieve the goal of mutual unification of crime punishment and human rights protection, AnJie Broad timely integrates criminal defense resources to build a high-quality criminal defense team. The main types of criminal litigation cases in AnJie Broad's criminal legal service department include crimes against the socialist market economic order, crimes against citizens' personal rights and democratic rights, crimes against property, crimes against the social management order, crimes of corruption and bribery, and crimes of dereliction of duty, etc., as well as the construction of criminal compliance and legal risk prevention system, and helping clients to deal with criminal-civil crossover cases.

AnJie Broad criminal lawyers will regularly conduct special lectures and training in order to continuously improve their professional ability, and also hold case seminars for the cases being handled, and provide clients with scientific and reasonable legal advice after sufficient discussion and analysis. AnJie Broad criminal lawyers can also combine judicial practice and academic theory, and regularly write high-quality articles to achieve a perfect combination of business practice and academic theory.

Scope of Service

Criminal litigation operations.

Investigation stage

• to the investigative authorities to understand the suspect's suspected crime and to understand the basic situation of the case

• meeting with criminal suspects and providing legal advice to criminal suspects

• applying for bail pending trial for criminal suspects

• To file complaints and accusations on behalf of criminal suspects

the review and prosecution stage

• accessing, copying and excerpting case related litigation documents and technical identification materials

• meet and correspond with the suspect

• investigate and collect relevant evidential materials in accordance with the law

• to submit relevant opinions to the procuratorial authorities

the trial stage

• accessing, extracting and copying case related materials

• meeting and corresponding with the defendant

• investigate and collect evidence

• participate in court hearings and present the defendant's defense of innocence or misdemeanor

the death penalty review stage

• Meet and correspond with the defendant

• Investigate and collect evidence

• Put forward the defense opinion that the defendant is not guilty or guilty of a misdemeanor or that the death penalty should not be approved


• representing complaint cases, producing and submitting complaint materials

• to participate in the representation and defense of retrial cases

• representing in self-reporting and accusing crimes in private prosecution and public prosecution cases

• representing in criminal incidental civil litigation and acting as a litigation agent for parties to incidental civil litigation

Criminal compliance business.

• Enterprises or executives who do not yet have criminal risks: provide criminal risk compliance business consulting, compliance lectures, compliance training, establishment of criminal compliance awareness and culture, compliance review to identify legal loopholes in the regulation of corporate bylaws, identification of risks in business transactions, and recommendations for the prevention of criminal risks.

• Enterprises or executives who will face criminal risks: Conducting comprehensive investigations into whether the relevant activities engaged in by the enterprises or executives involve criminal legal risks; analyzing the possible suspected criminal offences of various transactions and business practices; and proposing remedial measures to mitigate specific charges under the conditions permitted by law.

• Enterprises or executives who are facing criminal investigations: helping clients analyze the possible suspected crimes and the consequences of punishment; explaining to clients the process they have to go through in criminal proceedings and trials; explaining to clients the basic rules of evidence; assisting clients in sorting out exculpatory or mitigating evidence materials and preserving them in accordance with the law.
